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What restrictions exist for the domain registration?
What IDNS, how the IDNS?
How and where can I register a domain?
What are the system requirements for the use of multilingual domain names?

What restrictions exist for the domain registration?

only limitation for today is that the name should be free at the time of registration.

What IDNS, how the IDNS?

IDNS - stands for Internationalized Domain Name System (International Domain Name System) - a technology developed by International, allowing the use of internationalized domain names on the Internet.

IDNS is international expansion and improvement of the existing domain name system (DNS). DNS translates easily understandable, hierarchical host names in non-recurring numerical network addresses. However, DNS requires that all domain names have been registered using only a subset of characters from a set of ASCII. However, the ASCII character set is not enough for a variety of languages ​​other than English. IDNS technology allows you to convert a character string in the national languages ​​in a string of characters ASCII. In this sense, IDNS "backward compatible" with the existing DNS.

IDNS uses coding Punycode.

existing Domain Name System (DNS), adopted universally, can register domain Omen using only Latin (English) characters. This applies even in countries that do not use these characters in his writing. Understanding of the English language has become an implicit requirement for anyone who wishes to use the Internet.

Using technology IDNS you can register domain names in any language - Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Arabic, etc. At the same time, this technology is fully compatible with popular web browsers, and can interact with suschesvuet DNS. The company and the person may advertise addresses of their websites in their native language using national alphabet. All people can access the site by typing the name in the native language. It's simple, intuitive and clear.

How and where can I register a domain?

you to register right now on this site.

What are the system requirements for the use of multilingual domain names?

You should be able to display and introduce national symbols on your computer and in the address bar of your browser as. This may be achieved using:

  • localized operating system
  • English operating system on which the special software that allows you to introduce national symbols vadresnuyu your browser
  • Program "Global Input Method Editor" from Microsoft, which is available through the Windows Update web-site at Microsoft.