In domains .NAME will check names consisting of numbers and dashes

The world's largest administrator of top-level domains - the company Verisayn open the possibility of registering names consisting only of numbers and / or numbers, and dashes in your domain .NAME.

This is possible thanks to the approval of the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ICANN allowed to remove a combination of numbers and numbers with a dash of the list of banned registration of the domain .NAME.

Expected to register new domains will be starting from April 2, 2012 .

.NAME - international top-level domain. Popular personal sites, promo-sites and corporate websites. The number of names in the zone. NAME allows her to enter the top ten most popular international domains. In a domain. NAME allowed registration as traditional names in Latin and Cyrillic names.

The "Center of Ukrainian Internet Names» (Ukrnames) is the official registration of domain names. NAME. The process of registering and managing your domain is completely automated.